Over the past few months I experienced different types of roads: there was the country road in Rapid City, South Dakota that morphed from a paved, smooth surface into a hard packed dirt road once we hit the county line. That was my favorite road. I was with my family and we were chasing a summer thunderstorm across the prairie. It was unplanned, spontaneous, and beautiful.
Most recently in Arizona, there were dirt and "primitive" roads that have been known to bust tires. Sixty miles off the paved road in a capable truck and a brave driver (shout out to my friend Emily!) and we arrived at the remote campsite with the glorious views. Well worth the effort.
Also in Arizona, there were the hiking trails that required more human effort and time to reach the destinations. Sturdy hiking shoes and poles helped on those paths.
Returning home, the county has been repaving the streets near my house. The process has been challenging to one's normal sense of travel time, with traffic delays and patterns upended. The end result is worth the momentary disruptions: no more pot holes to avoid!
Different types of roads require different vehicles, speed, and awareness for optimal travel. Hiking shoes for a dirt trail; 4x4 truck for a rough road; a top of the line sports car would sing on a newly paved suburban road.
What kind of roads are you traveling these days? Are you in the right vehicle? Who is in the car (or truck) with you?
How is your schedule? Are you open to a delay or detour? Are you allowing for a spontaneous moment to chase something beautiful?
Are all your roads paved? If so, perhaps it's time to find a dirt road or path and see where it leads.